The Best Productivity Timers to Help Increase Productivity When Working from Home

The POMODORO timer is best suitable for increasing productivity while working from home. The POMZEN timer is one of the best timers that follows the POMODORO timer format. The POMZEN timer could be used to increase productivity when working from home.
Working from home can be both a blessing as well as a punishment. While working from home is very convenient, it can also lead to a lot of delay in completing the work due to the comfort of staying at home. This can also be because of the absence of the work environment and the work pressure. It is vitally important to understand how to be productive when working from home to avoid any delays.
To increase productivity while working from home, it is crucial to know about the Productivity Timers You Need to Be More Productive When Working from Home. Some productivity timers that could prove beneficial in increasing productivity while working from home are mentioned below.
Invented in the 1980s, the POMODORO timer is one of the most effective and beneficial timers that could help in increasing productivity. The timer is simple to understand, first set a 25-minute timer for a certain task, followed by a 5-minute break. This would help divide time into smaller segments and work for long hours.
2. Be Focused Timer
The Be Focused timer can prove useful for a longer list of tasks. Rather than starting a simple timer, the Be Focused Timer allows the user to create a to-do list to keep track of the work completed and the work to be done. This helps the users to prioritize the work that is more important accordingly.
3. Dewo Timer
The Dewo timer is for those who like to see a result/report at the end of the timer. With the help of artificial intelligence, the Dewo timer calculates the quality of work, the amount of work done, and the overall performance. It helps the user understand what distracts them, what time they are the most focused, and much more.
4. StayFocusd Timer
Unlike the traditional calculation of time spent in doing productive work, this timer helps calculate the time that was unproductive. This timer helps the user set a stipulated time to view a particular website, after which access to the website will be cut off.
5. Timely Timer
This timer works all the time in the background. It gives a detailed review of the performance of the user. The time spent on work, the duration of the breaks, and much more. This timer does not require setting a time limit. It automatically keeps track of the time spent on tasks and gives a detailed report later.
The POMODORO timer is best suitable for increasing productivity while working from home. The POMZEN timer is one of the best timers that follows the POMODORO timer format. The POMZEN timer could be used to increase productivity when working from home.