Time Management with Pomodoro, Not the Tomato, The Technique!

Time Management with Pomodoro, Not the Tomato, The Technique!

The best solution to that is to use a free online Pomodoro Timer like the one at Pomzen. A reliable and secure platform, Pomzen is designed to help everyone from students to professionals in every field.

Have you ever felt yourself getting absorbed in a five-minute break that eventually leads you to leave the task you were doing? Time management is a skill that many of us strive to learn throughout our lives, with almost 88 percent of the workforce admitting to ‘Procrastination’.

To perfect this skill, some of us have to take up courses and professional help. Time management can be learned easily with the technique that gets its name from the Italian word for tomatoes, “Pomodoro”.

Pomodoro is a time management technique that was developed by a struggling high school student, Francesco Cirillo. Much like us, Francesco, too, struggled to stay on top of a task and not get distracted. But no matter how much he tried, sticking to a task seemed impossible. That was when Francesco came up with the Pomodoro Technique.

What is the Pomodoro technique?

You must be seeing and hearing the name Pomodoro recently, given the rise of free online Pomodoro Timer on the internet. In this Pomodoro Technique, a person must stay focused on a task and not do anything but the task for 25 minutes straight.

The completion of 25 minutes marks the end of one Pomodoro. After the completion of one Pomodoro, the person gets 5 minutes of break. Once the 5 minutes are complete, the person must return to the task at hand and focus for another 25 minutes. After four such Pomodoros are complete, the person gets a longer resetting break, for 15 – 30 minutes.

That way, the person stays fresh and is able to complete a task without losing focus. The prime advantages of using the Pomodoro technique are you do not get distracted much since the attention span required is 25 minutes only. Secondly, splitting it into Pomodoros prevents you from getting overwhelmed by it when given a huge or complex task.

What are the challenges with Pomodoro?

The usage of Pomodoro techniques also varies from person to person. Using the Pomodoro technique and focusing for 25 minutes straight is mostly an uphill battle for a beginner. Another huge hindrance to using the Pomodoro technique is the timer we use.

In today’s time, almost no one uses a tomato-shaped physical timer as Francesco did. Finding a physical timer might itself be a chore.

So most of us decide to use our miniature distraction-causing devices, in other words, our smartphones, to set the timer. But every time you use it to have a look at how many minutes remain, you are prone to get distracted.

The best solution to that is to use a free online Pomodoro Timer like the one at Pomzen. A reliable and secure platform, Pomzen is designed to help everyone from students to professionals in every field. With inbuilt support to track your productivity and an alarm system, start your Pomodoro on Pomzen and then focus on your task without having to worry about anything else. Defeat procrastination once and for all using the free online Pomodoro Technique with Pomzen.

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