Pomodoro: A Simple Time Management Technique to Be More Productive

Pomodoro: A Simple Time Management Technique to Be More Productive

Francesco Cirillo writes that he discovered one could learn to improve effectiveness and have the ability to make better estimations on the  time its takes to complete a task by only recording how they utilize time.

The productivity consultant went on to invent a time management method called the Pomodoro Technique.

It really doesn’t matter whether you are a fan of productivity tricks or not. The Pomodoro Technique actually works out wonders. You are going to feel guilty if you never tried it before. Since we understand people who have already curved their productivity boosts, will find it challenging adopting new productivity boosts; I suggest the need to try out this method for an entire week and share your results with us. Nonetheless, let us take a look at what the technique entails.

Stop Complaining about Lack of Time

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that motivates people to take advantage of the time they have. Instead of complaining of the inadequacy time, work with the available time rather than working against it. Usually, the technique involves dividing time and tasks into convenient pomodoros. Each Pomodoro lasts 25 minutes and between each pomodoro is a 5 minute break. Therefore, the average work day is sliced into several 25-minutes work chuncks, separated from each other by 5-minute breaks. Once you complete at least 4 pomodoros, it is time to take a longer break of about 15-20 minutes.

A lot of time is squandered at the workplace by distractions. The average worker believes they have so much time in day, they end up wasting more hours. For instance, they will transition between tasks in the name of multitasking and eventually distract themselves from the main task. For example, after a distraction, it takes the average brain at least 11 minutes to settle back to the initial task. These distractions come in the form of social media, reading, watching YouTube videos or responding to emails. It is therefore important that one finds a sense of urgency with the main tasks. And this is what the Pomodoro Technique helps you find. A sense of urgency at the workplace.

Avoiding Burnout with Pomodoro

The interval break allows you to avoid burnout. This burn-out could be experienced in between the workday or at the end of the workday. Sometimes you will experience tiredness without even realizing it. For instance, it is possible to spend countless hours infront of a computer without noticing it. Hence, the ticking timer will remind you to get up and take a break.

There are people who turned to the productivity hack after years of experiencing chronic back pain. And the majority of them found it actually works. While the method increases one’s efficiency, remember it’s also a means to keep detailed track of your workday.

I know people who have asked whether the Pomodoro technique is even real or just another productivity sellout. Their concern lies with how is it even possible to accomplish more by doing less. These groups of people will typically hit 4-5 computer hours with little to no distraction. Therefore, finding the idea of splitting up workdays with breaks as a complete waste of time.

Pomodoro Sessions are Long Enough to get Something Done

Nonetheless, this is the deal. A 25-minute Pomodoro session is enough to get part of a project done without experiencing pain and without the task feeling overwhelming. This method is especially important in a workplace where people get distracted easily. Again, it is healthy to work in between short breaks. It will surprise how a productive morning or afternoon you could have after undertaking four pomodoros sessions on a project.

The technique is ideal for several types of work such as studying, programming, designing and writing.

Unfortunately, some workers are likely to ignore the 25 minutes timer and go on working. Which is pretty ignorant. Try sticking to the technique’s format to gain maximum benefits. This is especially true for beginners trying out the trick. As you get used to the 25-minute sessions, you will grow more earfer to get much done within the session. Naturally, the urge to scroll between social media tabs and clicking into new mails will remain less. Enabling you to achieve more during your workday.

However, the technique is unlikely to favour workplaces with lots of scheduled meetings, conferences and calls. So if we are all going to be honest, let’s be honest with this one drawback of the Pomodoro technique.

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